Friday, September 29, 2006

Band Crowd Ettiquette

Why do people that go and see their "favourite" bands insist on jumping around like Jock's on Speed whilst body slamming and jumping on their fellow band lovers? I don't see the logic. You pay over 100 bucks to see a band these days and these fuck head "moshers" fight and trample you to get to the front and when they do they carry on like they are about to blow a 5 year old load. What pisses me off even more is those asshole crowd surfers that have their dirty long hair out and army shorts on and steel capped boots when they decide to land on your fucking head. Do what i do people... if one is coming your way, push towards the lil fuck, get as close as you can and punch their balls. You still might have them land on your head, but least you get the satisfaction that the rest of their crowd surf they are in agony and are squeeling like skinned pigs. If it catches on and we all do the ball-punch, crowd surfers could be eradicated forever. Get on it people!


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