Friday, November 02, 2007

Britneys Parenting Skills

What chance do these poor kids have when their mother is so bad that K-Fed is the best option that they have.

I reckon a bucket and broom in the laundry closet would have a better chance at parenting than these two.

It pretty sad to think what kind of mentality these kids are gonna have, i mean Brit probobly puts them in a freezer at night because she heard that they are better served chilled.

K Fed wouldnt be much better, he would draw a big tick on their bellies, strap them to the soles of his feet and walk around exclaiming about how comfy his new nikes are.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

National Bingo

As per previous blogs regarding the ever so Cheesey Andrew O'Keefe, i must say this show takes the freakin cake. Not only is Camo-Ranga Tim Campbell hosting (yes, did i hear you say who the fuck is Tim Campbell? - he is Dan from H&A) and E GRADE Naomi Robson/Mr Ed look alike Horse Face bitch model is his side kick but this little turd of a Paki Referee Type appears there also (with a fake accent mind you). Tellme, why would anyone want to fake a Paki accent? Well this shitmonster fakes it....

The NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BINNNNNNNNGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOO catch phrase is embarrassing. If i see this turd lunging back and forth pointing that smelly bingo finger at me one more time!!!!
blow the Paki-Ump up i say

Fuck you Channel 10 you have stooped to a new low

NOooooooooo Sunday Night Tellllllllyyyyyyyyy anymoreeeeeeeeeeee


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Delta's sleazy New Image

Sorry did i say sleazy, i meant to say sickening, oops i mean sexy. This vampy new look does nothing for Delts at all. I thought her whole career was based on her cutesy look and high pitched giggle.

It looks like the recreation of Ms Goodrem might turn pear shaped when she takes to the stage and her wig falls off and her over applied mascara runs down her face.

Do men find her attractive? i would have thought she would make there penis' transform into vaginas

Friday, October 13, 2006

Jana Pittman

My mouth is filled with a fine white powder while I'm writing this. No i havent found a new way of imbibing cocaine, it is actually my teeth that have been ground down to stumps. That is the intensity with which i detest Jana Pittman.
She has always been lauded as this great, courageous and misunderstood Aussie. All she can do is bloody run fast. And not even fast enough.
I know you may start quoting the lovely phrase 'Tall poppy syndrome', but how can you bring someone down when they werent up there anyway.
Excuse me i need to go and rinse...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bobby Flynn

Mucho Retardo
Indeedily doodily

Venus and Serena

I have nothing against the tennis skills of these sisters, but iam hugely offended by their inability to dress appropriately. I know they are from the west siide and i also know that they arent as far through the chain of evolution as the rest of us, but how hard is it to not always look like a crack whore. Obviously huge amounts of money cant buy them taste and tact, but it seems to be buying huge amounts of lycra minis and polyester boob tubes.
All i can say is 'girlfriend get your booty to a stylist before i kick you to the curb'

Friday, September 29, 2006

"Heady" McGuire and Carla

Look carefully at BOTH of their heads...... they are strangely deformed aren't they! I can't look at it..... its like an eclipse and I might go blind, but at the same time i am transfixed by it. Heady looks like John So, and Carla looks like an Alien with a enormous chin. I'm scared. I hope they haven't spawned a child yet.....

Band Crowd Ettiquette

Why do people that go and see their "favourite" bands insist on jumping around like Jock's on Speed whilst body slamming and jumping on their fellow band lovers? I don't see the logic. You pay over 100 bucks to see a band these days and these fuck head "moshers" fight and trample you to get to the front and when they do they carry on like they are about to blow a 5 year old load. What pisses me off even more is those asshole crowd surfers that have their dirty long hair out and army shorts on and steel capped boots when they decide to land on your fucking head. Do what i do people... if one is coming your way, push towards the lil fuck, get as close as you can and punch their balls. You still might have them land on your head, but least you get the satisfaction that the rest of their crowd surf they are in agony and are squeeling like skinned pigs. If it catches on and we all do the ball-punch, crowd surfers could be eradicated forever. Get on it people!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Public Displays of Affection

People should keep their grubby litttle hands and dirty tongues to themselves when in Public. Why do couples insist on fondling each other pornographically while im trying to eat. Just yesterday i saw an obese couple going at it at the traffic lights. They were rubbing their sweaty bodies all over each other and trying in vain to get their meaty arms around the other. It was disgusting and every man and his dog at that unfortunate intersection is now scarred for life. All i can say is get a fucking room biatches...