Friday, August 18, 2006

Wayne Carey

Wayne, Wayne, Wayne...... when are you ever going to learn? You could have been the best AFL Player we had ever seen, but you went and fucked it up didn't you? It all started in 1996 when you groped that chicks bachoonga's at the pub and she took you to court. Then.... you decided to screw your oldest and dearest mate, Stevo's wife in the dunny's at Arch's house. Silly dickhead you are (never mess with Stevo, let alone Arch - toughest man in football). And your lovely wife Sal took you back....

So you left North and persued a "career" at Adelaide. What a fucking waste of time that was - how embarrassment. What is more embarrassing is that you shat yourself when you went to throw a punch at Arch in the Nth vs Crows game, and when he threw one back you thanked your lucky stars you were wearing brown undies and quivered like Bruce McAvaney in a room full of naked men. You're a soft cock Carey.

After thinking that you had learned your lesson, again, after the birth of your first child you were found to be cheating with a up and "coming" model. Silly Wayne. So now what have you got?

I know what you have got; You come from Wagga Wagga, your eyes are WAY too close together, you run like a duck needing to take a shit,..... and your name is Wayne. That's what you've got..
Oh Wayne... when will you ever learn?


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